I have completely finished my iweb, although i have changed some of my pages let me show you them.

They are little changes like rotating pictures, adding pictures and more words.
1.How well does your product work? Does it do everything that you said it would do and does it do it well?
Yes my project worked well and everything i said i put on. Some things were according to the plan.
2.How well did you work at each stage of the design cycle?
I don't think i worked very well on it but i respected it.
3. For the investigation it took me a while to understand how i could do my investigation. Like what do i do, do i just investigate about earthquakes or every kind of disaster.
I think design was very easy because all i had to do was sketch it and then just follow it, although i didn't really follow it that much. However i think everyone has there little changes every now and then.
Like i said the plan was just a sketch of the design of how i was going to do it and then try to follow it as much as i can.
Create was the part were i think i had to work hardest, because i had to look for lots and lots of information, which to be honest... there wasn't much.