In class i have searched for information like how earthquakes happen, facts about them, tools that are used in earthquakes, pictures, videos, other natural disasters and recent earthquakes that happen around the world. I have searched in website like google and wikipedia. They are not many website but they have lots of information in the,, plus the website that i found on google could of been 3 or 4.
I haven't used much multimedia in this project because i wanted to keep my web page simple with enough information to make it understandable. My web color is black, the multimedia i used is youtube and some pictures i found on the internet. My idea was to keep it simple.
My web page has 6 pages this includes: Homepage
How earthquakes happen
Other natural disasters
Everything worked great with the apple systems i had no problems at all, except the links were working and right now they are not working.
I have to admit that i have no emergency plan and no references except Google and Wikipedia. This is because i lost my delicious password and when i recovered it, it turned out to be the account from last year and i dont have this years work.
I apologize some pictures are not clear, the top left one is igoogle and the top one is igoogle, the second one delicious, the third one is igoogle and then the others(black background) are i web.

I apologize some pictures are not clear, the top left one is igoogle and the top one is igoogle, the second one delicious, the third one is igoogle and then the others(black background) are i web.